UC Berkeley Design Studio
Academic, 2023
Collaborate with Yabiao Guo
Instructor: David Jaehning
Academic, 2023
Collaborate with Yabiao Guo
Instructor: David Jaehning
UC Berkeley Design Studio
Academic, 2022
Individual Work
Instructor: René Davids, Greg Castillo
Collected in Dessau Effect 3 | 2022
Academic, 2022
Individual Work
Instructor: René Davids, Greg Castillo
Collected in Dessau Effect 3 | 2022
Markets on Markets
UC Berkeley Design Studio
Academic, 2021
Individual Work
Instructor: Eric Reeder
Academic, 2020
Individual Work
Tutor: Elliott Chieh Urban Nest
Kyushu University Design Studio
Academic, 2020
Collaborate with Tatsuhiko Hirata, Ishimoto Daiho, Masaaki Hiramatsu, Kido Togo
Instructor: Takefumi Kurose
Shortlisted | 2020 the 7th Urban Design and Town Planning Competition, 2020
Top100 | Fukuoka-Design Review, 2020
Collected in Design Review 2020 (pp.121, ID 44) & UD&TP Competition 2020 (pp.160-161)
Academic, 2019
Collaborate with Zhichen Gong, Congying He, Yingzhi He
Academic, 2019
Collaborate with Zhichen Gong, Yong Chen, Yingzhi He, Congying He
Collected in eVolo Skyscrapers 4 | 2021
Exihibited in Paradoxical, 4C Architecture and Design Innovation Exhibition | 2021
Academic, 2018
Collaborate with Zhichen Gong, Congying He
Third Prize | 3th "Tianhua"ART&TECH National College Students' Arch Design Competition, 2018
Academic, 2018 (Reworked in 2020)
Individual Work
Instuctor: Yiwa Shen, Elliott Chieh
Professional, 2024
Supervisor: Geoffrey Sorrell
Associated with
Professional, 2022
Supervisor: René Davids
Associated with University of California, Berkeley
Associated with
The Night is Short, Walk on Girl
UC Berkeley Graduate Thesis
Academic, 2024
Indivudual Work
Instructor: Neyran Turan, Mia Zinni
Thesis Booklet
Academic, 2024
Indivudual Work
Instructor: Neyran Turan, Mia Zinni
05. Urban Nest
Kyushu University Design Studio
Academic, 2020
Collaborate with Tatsuhiko Hirata, Ishimoto Daiho, Masaaki Hiramatsu, Kido Togo
Instructor: Takefumi Kurose
Shortlisted | 2020 the 7th Urban Design and Town Planning Competition, 2020
Top100 | Fukuoka-Design Review, 2020
Collected in Design Review 2020 (pp.121, ID 44) & UD&TP Competition 2020 (pp.160-161)
Academic, 2020
Collaborate with Tatsuhiko Hirata, Ishimoto Daiho, Masaaki Hiramatsu, Kido Togo
Instructor: Takefumi Kurose
Shortlisted | 2020 the 7th Urban Design and Town Planning Competition, 2020
Top100 | Fukuoka-Design Review, 2020
Collected in Design Review 2020 (pp.121, ID 44) & UD&TP Competition 2020 (pp.160-161)
25th Design Review 2020
Urban Design & Town Planning Competition 2020
Located in the heart of Fukuoka, Reisen Park is a prominent landmark that serves as a focal point for various activities, including the Yamakasa festival — a traditional Japanese parade, along with events such as the Rainbow Walk and the Beer Festival. Its proximity to a historic street lined with ancient shops further enhances its cultural significance. Despite its central location, however, the park is underutilized and lacks a welcoming atmosphere. Rather than hosting events within its bounds, the park primarily functions as a meeting point for activities held elsewhere.
Students as a whole class conducted a comprehensive site analysis, gathering extensive data on the park's history, culture, economic role, community dynamics, future planning, and urban context. Based on this analysis, we identified the potential of introducing semi-public spaces within the expansive and exposed site as a means to address many of its current challenges.
The two sides of the park are connected from underground, with various types of “urban nests” introduced as ambiguous spaces neither fully open nor completely enclosed.
Walking by Reisen Park at festival nights.
Walking upwards after parking bikes at the stalls underground.