UC Berkeley Design Studio
Academic, 2023
Collaborate with Yabiao Guo
Instructor: David Jaehning
Academic, 2023
Collaborate with Yabiao Guo
Instructor: David Jaehning
UC Berkeley Design Studio
Academic, 2022
Individual Work
Instructor: René Davids, Greg Castillo
Collected in Dessau Effect 3 | 2022
Academic, 2022
Individual Work
Instructor: René Davids, Greg Castillo
Collected in Dessau Effect 3 | 2022
Markets on Markets
UC Berkeley Design Studio
Academic, 2021
Individual Work
Instructor: Eric Reeder
Academic, 2020
Individual Work
Tutor: Elliott Chieh Urban Nest
Kyushu University Design Studio
Academic, 2020
Collaborate with Tatsuhiko Hirata, Ishimoto Daiho, Masaaki Hiramatsu, Kido Togo
Instructor: Takefumi Kurose
Shortlisted | 2020 the 7th Urban Design and Town Planning Competition, 2020
Top100 | Fukuoka-Design Review, 2020
Collected in Design Review 2020 (pp.121, ID 44) & UD&TP Competition 2020 (pp.160-161)
Academic, 2019
Collaborate with Zhichen Gong, Congying He, Yingzhi He
Academic, 2019
Collaborate with Zhichen Gong, Yong Chen, Yingzhi He, Congying He
Collected in eVolo Skyscrapers 4 | 2021
Exihibited in Paradoxical, 4C Architecture and Design Innovation Exhibition | 2021
Academic, 2018
Collaborate with Zhichen Gong, Congying He
Third Prize | 3th "Tianhua"ART&TECH National College Students' Arch Design Competition, 2018
Academic, 2018 (Reworked in 2020)
Individual Work
Instuctor: Yiwa Shen, Elliott Chieh
Professional, 2024
Supervisor: Geoffrey Sorrell
Associated with
Professional, 2022
Supervisor: René Davids
Associated with University of California, Berkeley
Associated with
The Night is Short, Walk on Girl
UC Berkeley Graduate Thesis
Academic, 2024
Indivudual Work
Instructor: Neyran Turan, Mia Zinni
Thesis Booklet
Academic, 2024
Indivudual Work
Instructor: Neyran Turan, Mia Zinni
03. Horizontal City of No Nation
Architectural Competition
Academic, 2019
Collaborate with Zhichen Gong, Yong Chen, Yingzhi He, Congying He
Collected in eVolo Skyscrapers 4 | 2021
Exihibited in Paradoxical, 4C Architecture and Design Innovation Exhibition | 2021
eVolo was such a big thing in my student years. We studied many past winners and worked hard to conceptualize a truly unique skyscraper. Every day, we asked ourselves how to redefine the skyscraper, and those conversations seemed endless. During my undergrad years, I was obesessed with megastructures. Once again, a huge shoutout to all my teammates.
“The world is currently experiencing the highest level of displacement on record.
By the end of 2016, 65.5 million individuals had been forcibly displaced worldwide due to persecution, conflict, violence, and human rights violations. This represented an increase of 300,000 people compared to the previous year, and the global displaced population remains at an unprecedented level. Additionally, 10.3 million individuals were newly displaced during the year, with the rate of displacement occurring at a staggering pace—approximately 20 people every minute.” (UNHCR)
In response to these conditions, the central objective of this proposal is to offer a sustainable solution—providing permanent land for resettlement. This approach aims not only to address the immediate needs of displaced populations through temporary shelter but also to support the long-term restoration of livelihoods and the development of stable, self-sustaining communities.
The proposal directly adopts the concept of real land, (to the right) with supportive structures and essential amenities integrated, from where the housing units will be developed.
Elevation Zoom in
Submission Board 1
Submission Board