UC Berkeley Design Studio

Academic, 2023
Collaborate with Yabiao Guo
Instructor: David Jaehning


UC Berkeley Design Studio

Academic, 2022
Individual Work
Instructor: René Davids, Greg Castillo

Collected in Dessau Effect 3 | 2022


Markets on Markets

UC Berkeley Design Studio

Academic, 2021
Individual Work
Instructor: Eric Reeder



Academic, 2020
Individual Work
Tutor: Elliott Chieh


Urban Nest

Kyushu University Design Studio

Academic, 2020
Collaborate with Tatsuhiko Hirata, Ishimoto Daiho, Masaaki Hiramatsu, Kido Togo
Instructor: Takefumi Kurose

Shortlisted | 2020 the 7th Urban Design and Town Planning Competition, 2020
Top100 | Fukuoka-Design Review, 2020
Collected in Design Review 2020 (pp.121, ID 44) & UD&TP Competition 2020 (pp.160-161)


Architectural Competition
Academic, 2019
Collaborate with Zhichen Gong, Congying He, Yingzhi He

Honorable Mention | 29th 24H Ideas Forward Competition- Hypermega, 2019


Architectural Competition

Academic, 2019
Collaborate with Zhichen Gong, Yong Chen, Yingzhi He, Congying He

Honorable Mention | eVolo 2019 Skyscraper Competition, 2019
Collected in eVolo Skyscrapers 4  | 2021
Exihibited in Paradoxical, 4C Architecture and Design Innovation Exhibition | 2021


Architectural Competition

Academic, 2018
Collaborate with Zhichen Gong, Congying He

Third Prize | 3th "Tianhua"ART&TECH National College Students' Arch Design Competition, 2018


Huazhong University of Science and Technology Design Studio

Academic, 2018 (Reworked in 2020)
Individual Work
Instuctor: Yiwa Shen, Elliott Chieh



Brochure for Detroit Blight Busters

Professional, 2024
Supervisor: Geoffrey Sorrell
Associated with Lorcan O'Herlihy Architects (LOHA)


UC Berkeley Architecture Studio Book

Professional, 2022
Supervisor: René Davids
Associated with University of California, Berkeley


The Night is Short, Walk on Girl

My mumblings, coming soon


UC Berkeley Graduate Thesis

Academic, 2024
Indivudual Work
Instructor: Neyran Turan, Mia Zinni

Thesis Booklet

01. Somewhere Else

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Design Studio

Academic, 2018 (Reworked in 2020)
Individual Work
Instuctor: Yiwa Shen, Elliott Chieh


This is the first work included in my portfolio and showcased on my website. It was inspired by memories of my childhood, spent relaxing in the courtyard, eating persimmons, and gazing at the full moon in autumn. There are certain mundane moments in life that we experience often, yet only once do we truly feel fully awake in them, almost as if observing from a third-person perspective.

Knowing that the site is located by a vast lake, I aimed to recreate this experience.

Wuhan, with a population of 11 million and an area of over 8,000 square kilometers (2,000,000 acres), is a major urban center both in population and territory. It also has the highest number of college students in China, totaling 1.68 million, and has attracted significant migration. In this densely populated context, East Lake, covering 33.7 square kilometers (8,000 acres), offers a vital green space.

The proposed pavilion, located on a slight incline by East Lake, aims to strengthen the connection between individuals and nature. It encourages visitors to slow down, engage with their surroundings, and experience moments of solitude, offering opportunities for interaction with nature through activities such as smelling the grass, immersing hands in water, or meditating under trees.

Rendering Perspectives
Rendering Perspective 1
Rendering Perspective 2
Rendering Perspective 3

The house is situated on a gentle slope, with a 0.6-meter difference in elevation between the lower and higher points.

I lowered the concrete foundation by 0.9 meters to slightly lower the perspective of the interior. By doing so, the inhabitants gain a fresh view of their familiar surroundings.

Additionally, this sunken interior further distinguishes the inside from the outside, fostering an atmosphere of isolation from the world.